
St. Lucian A Scientist At NASA

Prof. Andrew
Prof. Andrew

A former teacher at the Ciceron Secondary School has been appointed post-doctoral research scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, United States.

Ms. Andrea Andrew graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Maryland and also holds a Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry.

She is the daughter of the late Eustace Andrew and Angela John-Andrew of La Clery.

In 1994, while in St Lucia Ms. Andrew received a three year financial award to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Science Education at Brooklyn College, CUNY.

The award was granted based on her five years of continuous service in the public service with a proven record of exceptional service and the fact that her area of study was on the St Lucia government’s priority list of approved areas for national training.

Ms. Andrew was on the Dean’s Honour List at CUNY for three successive years 2004 to 2006 and won a number of awards for academic performance both in New York and the University of Maryland.

At the University of Maryland, Ms. Andrew was award the Centre for Teaching Excellence Graduate Student Lilly Fellowship in 2011 which develops and sustains cross disciplinary learning of graduate students as future faculty. Fellows develop a teaching and learning project of their choice directed at helping improve their professional development, as well as enhancing undergraduate teaching and student learning at UMD.

Ms. Andrew has authored and co-authored several publications on various aspects of chemistry.

Before going to the United States she taught Mathematics and Integrated Science for more than eight years in St Lucia. She received a Certificate in Teacher Education at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and was a member of the Joint Board of Teacher Education University of the West Indies and Sir Arthur Lewis Community College.

She is now a Visiting Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


  1. Way to Miss Edward keep going the moon and stars, space is waiting. Let the flag fly high. May the Lord bless you may you remain covered under the blood of Jesus. Love you.

  2. Way to Prof Andrew keep going the moon and stars, space is waiting. Let the flag fly high. May the Lord bless you may you remain covered under the blood of Jesus. Love you.

  3. Congrats Lady. I’m very proud of any St.Lucian who excels esp. In the Science arena. I also pursue Sciences and I’m new in the Public Service. Looking forward to following in the footsteps of people like you Miss Andrew. God bless and all the best.

  4. As an aspiring Educator & writer, I am so inspired by all these amazing stories of major achievements by my fellow birth people…like the old adage says: ‘small axe cuts down Hugh trees’…let us stay humble in the hands of our Creator who has created our amazing minds! ♡jjf

  5. Congratulations missing Andrew!! One day we will see. St. Lucia Flag flying in space. KEEP ON SOARING to new HEIGHTS!?

  6. Congratulations miss Andrew!! One day we will see. St. Lucia Flag flying in space.?? KEEP ON SOARING to new HEIGHTS!?

  7. April 29,from. Mercier Bobb a builder and general Atlanta USA is Happy and Proud for her a St Lucian like myself making it to such heights. May God bless and protect her, God’s speed.

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