
Everything we could’ve already been doing…

THERE is a lot of doom and gloom around us currently, but there are little moments of light and learning that we can all pay more attention to as the world navigates this global challenge. Take for example how much nature is thriving all over the world as some of the most populated areas are seeing less human activity. The Telegraph recently published an article entitled, “From Venice to China Nature Reclaims the World”, and theirs was one of many features which have highlighted some of the more positive nature oriented wins that are already happening as a result of what is otherwise a “disaster”.

Currently, there is an overload of information circulating, and not all of it useful. But in the midst of all of that are some interesting finds, including a post that went viral recently about all the things that had become evident in the wake of this global pandemic in regards to the things people could have been doing all along for the sake of being decent human beings. This list included postponing evictions and disconnections during hard times, having cheaper airfare so people could get around when they needed to, employers being more understanding when employees needed to take time off or when they needed a more flexible schedule to accommodate the needs of their children, bill payments could have been furloughed, students could have been allowed to work from home when they weren’t able to afford or find transportation to get there, children could have had free laptops and free Wi-Fi all along, stores could have been more accommodating for stocking and cleaning time for workers required to do such, interest rates on loans could have been frozen especially for students, pregnant women and persons with disabilities also could have been working from home all along. Then there was the big one, which all of us have likely seen and commended, senior citizens could have been made a priority in commercial spaces particularly grocery stores all along! Also, we could have paid more attention to caring about and protecting the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems, or other conditions that might not necessarily be seen on the surface all along.

The writer ended this note saying, “humanity could have been humane this whole time”, and nothing has ever rung truer. Here’s hoping we learn the necessary lessons and move forward into a more compassionate way of life.

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