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Doctors Halt Work on Demolition of George Odlum National Stadium Roof

Image of the relocated St. Jude Hospital at the George Odlum Stadium.

WORK has been halted – at least temporarily – on demolition of the roof of the George Odlum National Stadium (GONS).

This was disclosed by the St. Lucia Medical and dental Association (SLMDA), which had lodged an official complaint with the relevant authorities.

In a statement on the matter, SLMDA President Dr Alphonsus St. Rose said, “The SLMDA had no choice but to lodge a complaint to the Health and Safety authorities to investigate these matters, which has resulted in a temporary halt to the roof demolition.”

The association had complained about the negative health effects of the waste materials from the demolition on patients, nurses and doctors, as well as people in the surrounding areas.

Now that the demolition work has stopped, says Dr St Rose, “The SLMDA awaits a full report from the Occupational Health and Safety Department outlining the issues.”

He says the hope is that the report will give “clear guidelines to ensure the health and safety of all workers and the visiting public”, as well as “enforcement of the law where relevant authorities exhibit recklessness in making decisions against the public interest.”

Meanwhile, in its latest statement on national health issues, the SLMDA says it is “once more, calling on the Government to accelerate the efficient and cost-effective transitioning to the Owen King-European Union (OKEU) hospital.”

The association is also calling on the authorities “to fast-track the commencement of works on the East Wing at the St Jude Hospital Restoration Site (SJHRS).”

Further, the SLMDA calls on the government “to evacuate everyone from the GONS soonest” and “to continue the broad consultations on healthcare with stakeholders, including the Executive of the SLMDA.”


  1. Where is Oswald with his piece on common sense in relation to this matter. Common sense couldn’t tell them carrying refurbishment on the roof of Gos which covered with such toxic material as fibreglass with patience and staff in the building? What’s about Oswald himself, couldn’t his common sense tell him to tell his mates they couldn’t do that? So much so for always saying some others lack common sense. Two blunders now pitch at the door of UWP. The GOS and OKH. The application of just a little common sense could have averted both blunders. But then again we are dealing with a mule and jackass. They both are not on own to be good listeners.

  2. Oh, my St.Lucia with your ever abiding political infighting; Bro George is gone
    and many before and after him have either gone to glory or have preferred to
    stay silent, if perhaps for now. To me it seems sometimes that the Tail is having
    a hard time trying to wag the dog, my advise, don’t stop, it’s a big fat breed, just
    keep wagging, you never know, it may break under the strain.I too believe in miracles.

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