

CARNIVAL 2018 is over — except for one final hurrah to take place this Saturday night in Castries as part of the Castries Constituencies Council (CCC) Saturday Night affair on Jn Baptiste Street.

This final hurrah is about showcasing the winners of all the carnival shows held this year and is a one-night-only event for St. Lucians to see and judge for themselves, who won in each show.

Carnival 2018 has been quite an event for the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF) and The Events Company of St. Lucia to host — and quite successfully did they host it.

The jury is still out as to whether the three million dollars pumped into carnival by government was adequate and whether St. Lucians received the best for each dollar.

Also unknown as The VOICE went to press yesterday evening are the winners and losers of the Parade of the Bands held Monday and Tuesday, the official results held back late – as per usual.

As is customary each year as well, The VOICE devotes our center pages for carnival photos. However, this time around, instead of portraying revellers in costumes we decided to show the little funny things from the two days of ‘Jump and Wine’ that brought the City alive this past week.








Micah George is an established name in the journalism landscape in St. Lucia. He started his journalism tutelage under the critical eye of the Star Newspaper Publisher and well known journalist, Rick Wayne, as a freelancer. A few months later he moved to the Voice Newspaper under the guidance of the paper’s recognized editor, Guy Ellis in 1988.

Since then he has remained with the Voice Newspaper, progressing from a cub reporter covering court cases and the police to a senior journalist with a focus on parliamentary issues, government and politics. Read full bio...

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