Letters & Opinion

SLMDA Must Avoid Politics


AT present, there are several heart-rending deficiencies in the delivery of health services.

St. Jude’s Hospital tops a list, which also includes the painful delays to see a doctor at Victoria Hospital, patient complaints of a lack of clear and forthcoming information and the growing public perception that our hospitals no longer save lives.

The St. Lucia Medical & Dental Association is well equipped to assist. Now, more than ever, we need to encourage our citizens to observe the mantra “Prevention is better than cure”.

Our talent-rich organisation is a champion of sensitization and awareness programmes. Furthermore, our members, who are experts in the fields of medicine and dentistry, with decades of experience locally, are best-suited to advise health planners and policy makers on the best way forward.

Inopportunely, the recent accusatory, aggressive, speculative and quasi-partisan utterances from members of our executive are impeding a collaborative spirit.

Our organisation must reject the ever-present temptations to be swayed by political influences.

Instead, we must continue to work hand-in-hand with the Government of St. Lucia and all stakeholders to deliver affordable, quality healthcare for all St. Lucians, for this is what we have always done.

Dr. Andre R. L. Matthew MD

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