
Dr. Anthony: ‘Pay Outstanding Sum To V/Fort Fishermen’

Image of Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, former Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort South
Image of Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, former Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort South
Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, former Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort South

PRESS RELEASE – PARLIAMENTARY Representative for Vieux Fort South has called upon the Fisheries Complex to settle an outstanding payment to the Vieux Fort fishing community for the supply of fish to the complex for the period March to May, 2017.

According to Dr. Anthony, “While delays in settling payments are not uncommon, a delay of nearly one year is unacceptable. The non-payment of outstanding sums to fisher-folk has serious consequences.

“The fisher-folk have families to feed and the economy of Vieux Fort heavily depends on income from the fishing sector.To make matters worse, boat owners are required to pay the extra $1.50 on a gallon of gas, thus increasing their costs.

“If the complex is unable to pay all that is due, then at least dialogue with the representatives of the fisher folk and produce a schedule of payments.”

Dr. Anthony said he hopes that this matter is resolved within the next month for the latest.

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