
Taking Shoe Repair To a Comfort Level

Image of Jim Daubenspeck

SHOE Rehab is taking the lead in professionalizing the shoe repair industry. The company was able to attract the services of a professional shoe cobbler from the United States in conducting a workshop in shoe repair as a career.

Image of Jim Daubenspeck
Jim Daubenspeck

The participation of Jim Daubenspeck, owner of Daub’s Cobbler Shop in New Hampshire , was made possible through the support of the St. Lucia Coalition of Services Inc., SLCSI. Daubenspeck is also a member of the Shoe Institute of America.

Shoe Rehab, established four years ago in St. Lucia is playing its part in ensuring there is sustained improvement in quality, productivity and efficiency across the shoe repair industry.

Staff of Shoe Rehab and other interested young persons attended a week-long workshop which covered every aspect of shoe repair. The workshop facilitator was impressed with skills level and attitude of attendees.

The Manager of Shoe Rehab Mandisa Morrison says the workshop did not just address issues of work ethics, productivity and efficiency but also focused on related services as foot care.

The attendees have been grateful for the opportunity to interact with and learn from a professional shoe cobbler.

Shoe Rehab hopes such training initiatives will improve the quality of shoe repair not just in St. Lucia but throughout the OECS.

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