Letters & Opinion

Of Nigger, Flat Black Glossy Black And White

A — USELESS storm has been raging on the character and quality of blackness. Anyone like me, with a “Te Coulair Whayahyhy” entering that storm, would always do so with some degree of trepidation being caught between the two warriors. The inevitable question fired on either side would be “On whose side are you?” To it, there could be only one answer: “I am a referee, there being no conflict of interest cast on my skin, black or white”. Only people like us can truly act impartially, for it is we who feel the pain when either bleeds.

In that state of impartiality, I therefore denounce any black or white mentality as sheer stupidity. Only truly ignorant people would harbour notions of inferiority or superiority in their interactions with one another. I therefore see all references to black and white as meaningless expletives, for, like most of us, je suis Chrétien.

When He made man out of the dust of the earth, did God, in giving life to him say, “You are black, or you are white?” The black or white veneer on a man’s skin is a misrepresentation of his high quality and is not the man. In Hamlet, the Poet of Stratford upon Avon, in his contemplation of that likeness of God, in joyful wonder, exclaimed :

“What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how expressed and admirable!”
That is the man. Any shadow cast on his skin is just a mere tan.
In The Merchant of Venice, the same poet cried out. through Othello:
“Mislike me not for my complexion,
The shadow’d livery of the burnish’d sun to whom I am a neighbour and near bred”
Look at me, the man, and not my colour, for I am only sunburnt he explains. Again, by way of ridicule, in The Taming of The Shrew, the question is asked:
“Is the adder better than the eel,
Because its painted skin contents the eye?
Or is the jay, better than the lark because its
are more beautiful?”

Still, in Julius Caesar, we see it said:
“We are not wood. We are not stone, but men. And men are flesh and blood and apprehensive.”

There is only one red blood irrespective of black or white, male or female. So what then does it matter if one is called “nigger”? It’s just the colour of one’s skin that accounts for the name. Is it offensive to call a man according to the colour of his skin? But that’s what he is! So what! To refer to a government as “nigger” or “black nigger” is nothing compared to calling it “white ant”, which is a “termite” or “destroyer”, “poolbwah” in our dear Creole. And the same appellation to a white man is equally devastating, and far worse than “the N word”.

When Latin was taught at St. Mary’s, the word in Latin for “black” was “niger”. It still is, according to my Cassell’s Latin Dictionary. There, two types of black or nigger are referred to: “dead” black or “glossy” black. Black paint sold in stores is either “flat” or “glossy”; so “dead” black is the same as “glossy” black, except for the shine in the latter. That must have been one way of distinguishing one negro (or black) from another.

It must not be forgotten that Niger is a vast nation in West Africa,that Africa itself is referred to as “The Black Continent”, that Nigeria is also in Africa, that Africans are a proud people and that the superscription of “nigger” or “black”, which we bear, as descendants, is of that black African mould.

Let me now say that it does not matter whether the detestable word “nigger” is spelt with one g or two g’s. What difference could it make! What is to be noticed in examining the word is, that it bears certain derivatives which are of universal application globally, to both black and white. The noun “niggard” carries with it the word “niggardly” which is both an adjective and an adverb, and with the same meaning. It conveys the idea of one who is “stingy” or “unwilling to part with something” and it does not matter, of course, what the colour of the person is.

It is my humble opinion that it was perhaps found that black people had that tendency to be “stingy” and that that meanness came to apply to any other person found to be so. So even a government can be referred to as niggardly, meaning, mean.

Whatever has been done to our forbears, we are now here, and have shown who and what we are, whether flat black, glossy black, or otherwise tanned. Those who have trampled us underfoot are now ashamed of themselves and seek our forgiveness. Thank God we have no one to ask for money, and can walk proudly with a clear conscience.

One of the first who saw the light was the Englishman, John Newton, the most famous dealer in the transportation of slaves from Africa. By way of confession and deep sorry, his heart cried out in the sweetest song we sing in church. In that:

“Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.”

The views held here are not novel. Since the dawn of Black Power, I have held fast unto them as I have, like Sir Dwight Venner, kept the “afro”, while all others have shun it. They have been expressed as early as December 1970 in an article to THE VOICE on the nature of the Black Power Movement, and the rights owed to black people by virtue of their position as equal members of the human race, and therefore, “in no way subordinate one to another”.

This article is not written with a partisan eye: for I am totally blind when dealing with principles, rights, and causes, bowing always to wholesome counsel, regardless of its source.

By Neville Cenac


  1. ““I am a referee, there being no conflict of interest cast on my skin, black or white”. Only people like us can truly act impartially, for it is we who feel the pain when either bleeds.”

    Is there some kind of prize, reward for being idiots in St. Lucia?? How the hell can a mentally stable human being arrive at such a conclusion ?

    The one-drop rule is a sociological and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry (“one drop” of African blood) is considered to be black (Negro in historical terms). This concept evolved over the course of the 19th century and became codified into law in the 20th century. It was associated with the principle of “invisible blackness” and is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status.[1]

    Although racial segregation was adopted legally by southern states of the former Confederacy in the late 19th century, legislators resisted defining race by law to prevent interracial marriages. In 1895 in South Carolina during discussion, George D. Tillman said,

    It is a scientific fact that there is not one full-blooded Caucasian on the floor of this convention. Every member has in him a certain mixture of… colored blood…It would be a cruel injustice and the source of endless litigation, of scandal, horror, feud, and bloodshed to undertake to annul or forbid marriage for a remote, perhaps obsolete trace of Negro blood. The doors would be open to scandal, malice, and greed.[2]

    The one-drop rule was not adopted as law until the 20th century: first in Tennessee in 1910 and in Virginia under the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 (following the passage of similar laws in several other states).

    1. Mr. Editor, there are other persons who want to comment on news articles in this space, so I think it is wrong to publish 48 lines from one person. Son-of-man has given itself an ulcer hating people because of who they vote for, who they pray to, what their skin look like, what country they live in, how they earn their living etc. etc. etc. etc.

      We did not tell son-of-man to hate, so we as readers should not be subjected to all the insults and ridicule when we wish to comment here. I suggest that you publish only one comment per person, a maximum of 10 lines. Son-of-man can set up workshops to do his/her/zhe teaching for those who want. I hope you kindly consider so we don’t stop reading the Voice.

  2. Cenac:

    You sound identical to that other Stripper idiot, Ricky John Wayne, except instead of using your slave identity of White man worship, “I therefore see all references to black and white as meaningless expletives, for, like most of us, je suis Chrétien.”, that pole naked stripper says “I am Roman”.

    I am simply tired of listening to you shameless Negro-relics who aspire to have a white woman, think your mentality of being more close to the image of your God bestows some benefit of intellect upon your brain-damaged and retarded self – a referee you think ? Negroes like you, and the well known neo-colonialist have brought suffering to the masses of our people, while you Negroes sing God save our Queen.

  3. Like I said, something is derange in your Reason, it is nauseating reading your nonsense.

    5 Absurd, Deeply Racist Things Rudy Giuliani Said This Week
    Giuliani will not stop spouting off offensively about Ferguson.

    Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has been having the time of his life this week feeling relevant and commenting on the tumultuous events in Ferguson, Missouri. The fact that he has no actual knowledge of the details of the case has in no way cowed the former prosecutor and right-wing lout from speaking out about what it is he thinks black people really need.

    Put succinctly, on Sunday, he said they need white people to control them. Particularly, white police officers. The day before the devastating news that police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for killing unarmed teen Michael Brown last August, Giuliani explained that black people need white cops so black people won’t kill each other. Then, a day after the official news that there would be no indictment, Giuliani said he’d prosecute witnesses whose stories contradict Wilson’s account, the details of which make no sense.



  4. Here is the nitty gritty : It was the Middle Passage format of slavery that initiated the extremely vicious Pandora’s box of ECONOMIC PERSECUTION that MLKing illustrated so well in his Dream speech – Here are 2 parts 2 memorize and I paraphrase. “Although Lincoln officially signed the end of Slavery /segregation and all its negative economic constraints were still being practiced even after blacks had bled and died in every war since then. That the Declaration of independence stated that all men are created equal WITH UNALIENABLE RIGHTS but the practice o economic equality as in participation was DENIED blacks.

    Yes the whole world before that TIME practiced slavery- BUT it was not assigned to a particular group and FREEDOM could be bought /earned and a normal life of economic empowerment assumed- even amidst the communities that the former slave was denied liberty. There are astounding stories of Roman Generals and their BRILLIANT African slaves who offered tactical military strategies as personal assistants or sound medical practices following battle wounds. These grateful episodes were typically rewarded with freedom and start up resources for live as a freed man.

    However, THE GREED embedded in the EXPLORATION of the AMERICAS (Caribbean was once classified as part of the Americas) changed the practices and perceptions FOREVER.
    The early explorers and their crews/soldiers etc. were the bottom of the pile in terms of ethics /morals socio economic status etc.

    Enter the middle passage and HELL becomes normalized in the new world.
    THE IDIGENOUS natives and later their AFRICAN peers DID NOT BEGAT RACIST policies.
    The golden /silver and agro cultivation paths to wealth created and maintained it.

    The rather simplistic but highly effective notion of COLOR CODED identification/separation/relegation/castigation/persecution and the long list of isms are deployed to narrow the natural COMPETITION for scare ECONOMIC RESOURCES and thus favorable SOCIO_ECOOMIC STATUS.

    Darwin’s theory of EVOLUTION was merged into the budding Industrial Revolution as a mainstream construct for social psychology theorists of the era. Darwin’s Natural Selection theory was the formative blueprint that informed /assured Western academia that the subservience of a particular species in support of the “SURVIVAL of the FITTEST” DOMINANT species was justified by NATURAL SELECTION as in SOCIO ECONOMIC ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In other words you are a slave and later impoverished because nature coded your species as less than fit ; You belong where you are stationed because of your birth or NATURAL SELECTION.

    Most HUMANS KNOW intuitively THAT god created ALL EQUALLY SO THE PROBLEM OF race HAS MORE TO DO WITH slicing the available SOCIO_ECONOMIC PIE -Equitably-
    however, The value of the melanin or lack thereof in ones pigmentation is an effective negative reinforcer maintaining the advantages at the TOP OF THE ECONOMIC PYRAMID.

    Race /color coding is at the very least WAS /IS a SUBLIMINALLY enforceable economic tool that NARROWS COMPETITION for those who can exploit its effects as an exclusionary tool -at the feeding frenzy or water hole OF ECONOMIC PROSPERITY.

    Yes like the abolition of slavery -as a document – we have come a long way -as documents go; The problem is to put in practice the spirit of the laws.
    CONSEQUENTLY, The essence of equality still eludes many along racial marginalization lines.

    1. Macbeth,

      This is a brilliant piece of information, the mis-educated Negroes has a perversion to such truths, failing to understand, that the idea of God embodies the conception of perfection, and the Caucasian image subliminally conveys the message to those peoples blessed with melanin, that they lack, are deficient, abnormal, damaged, faulty, flawed, inadequate, insufficient, unhealthy,
      unsound, amiss, blemished, impaired, imperfect, incomplete, injured, etc.

      In this video Dr. Naim Akbar hits on the subliminal effects. I found another video.


      here’s another: I this video you will understand why Leary Carasco changed his name to Rick Wayne Onasis.




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